I'd lie to myself that rubber ducks can fly

Wendy, 0208, Chung Cheng (m). Visit my personal blog :D

Disclaimer: Mixtapeloves@bs.com, I'm from 3DL and this is my English Journal Entries blog. Always having mood swings, thus affecting the quality of my work 8D (p.s. I love giving excuses)

Affiliates: Amanda Brandon Dillon Genevie Gerome Jezreel Jiawei Julian Koonaik Martin MinYi Mr Kek Nigel Pearl Ronald Shuling Tatrui Thianhong Tinghong WeiEr Xinzi Yiling Yuxiang Zhengkai

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I don't know if I should be thrilled or despondent. Thrilled because I did comparitively better than my school mates, but despondent, because my grades were low. I know, numbers are nothing, but it means alot to me. Why can't I get an A? Well, honestly, no one really does....... But I want to be special. Haha, oh wait. I AM SPECIAL.

This year was a rough year. It's difficult to keep up with this rat race, constantly running, constantly chasing, it is tough. But we get through it. However, some of our friends would be left behind, lagging behind us. Effort comes from us, where we try to steer them back up. However, they chose to reverse instead of accelerating. A few really worked hard, but hard work does not really pay all the time. Sad, how the world works. But this is reality. Why can't I pull them back? Is it really too late for them? Apparently, I suppose...... Another year for them then.

I'll definitely need to pull up my socks for next year. If not, the outcome would be more dire. The year ahead is a tough one, sticky, chewy, just like overcooked beef. Doesn't taste nice, difficult to swallow.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Week 36, Movies and their extent.

Violent and mature rated movies, are they that bad...? Does the society disapprove of them or do they just say it? This topic remains widely controversial. Many depict these movies as indecent, rebellious, and ignominious. Well, let's be candid. Why do these movies make it to the box office weekly? Why do people still watch them, seek for them? Yet, they degrade and condemn these movies. If you really hate it,do something about it. Criticize it, complain, make a fuss, do not watch it. It doesn't matter to me, if you watch it and admit you love it. What irritates me is the fact that people just say things for the sake of saying it, reprimand others, condemn others, and yet they themselves do it. You can commit wrong, but don't go around lecturing others if you're doing an equally bad act. If you're not comfortable with it, opt for "healthier" options. Tune in to Cartoon Network and watch Tom and Jerry. Maybe this is the only kind of genre you find acceptable...? No wait, it's violent as well. Jerry always phyically abuses Tom.

Heheh :-)


Week 35, Mister Dwarf.

The dwarf was short. He had a hirsute chin and a vivacious, whimscal personality. He could whip up really delicious desserts. Pudding, pies, strawberry cakes, fruit tarts, creme brulee, everything! I bet I just whet your appetite. Dont look down on or lampoon on his physical appearance. He has a heart made of gold and courage made of steel.


Week 34, Behind that workaholic lies......

Kellie loves and breathes fashion. She is successful in carrying herself well, and living up to everyone's expectations. Her boss praises her for her commendable efforts and she even has a commodious office to herself. She's often fastiduous and tenacious when at work. This makes some of her colleagues divuldge noisome rumours of her. However, this is all a facade. Kellie is nothing like that with her close family and friends.


Week 33, Mysterious.

"So he says he's not penitent?" Kellie is working on a new case with inspector Henry. Apparently, even the connoisseurs in forensic sciences could not trace the location or origin of the green liquid found in Janice's mouth. DEspite gleaninginformation and evidence over ad over again, they could not find anything. This murder case is really complex and occult. Just where did the green substance come from, and who did it. It all boils down to nothing, and it has been months. However, Kellie would pursue this case to the end, and would not be deterred.


Week 32, A simple conversation between 2 perplexed men. HAWHAW EAT THAT.

"Not only is her reply ambiguous...... It's so profound!" What should I do Eric, should I give up on her? She's difficult to comprehend and get along with. Even over trivial matters, she could make your life miserable. She sees me with paltry and I'm just so rabid over this......


Week 31, Upbringing.

The mlieu that a child grows up in is vital. Parents who use strident means to instill values in their child are not completely wrong, and it's not an unjustified act. However, they need to make sure that they do not abuse their power and leave a scar on their children's childhood. It is deleterious for them as they would not be happy and would have a feeling of heresy not just with their parents but other people as well. Would they turn out to be excessively prudent people in the society? Something to ponder on :-)